Unit Block Cash Case Study: Cash Cow or Cash Flop? – Todd Sloan

Show Notes


Get ready to hear from a person who is rare in the investing world! Toddy not only talks the talk, he walks the investment walk, building a large portfolio for himself, all the while interviewing gun investors on a weekly basis!

With the help of Joe, this is going to be an epic session anyone who has any interest in financial freedom is going to get a heap of value from!

These are the session you, hearing the practical and actionable shows where you get to hear from someone with their finger on the pulse!

We’re pumped and Todd is preparing the gold for this session! He is a favourite of the show and is a person who we’re keen to have back! We’ll aim to go deep on his views and insights on unit blocks and throw in financial freedom musings I’m sure!

Topics we’ll be talking about include:

  • Unit blocks are they a cash cow or a cash flop! This one is bound to be juicy and actionable.
  • Insights on pros vs cons + unpacking his very own unit block purchase.
  • Insights on his views about financial freedom [bonus].


Episode Highlights

02:59 Quotes of the Week

05:08 Introduction to Todd’s Thought Process

06:01 Strategy for Investing in Unit Blocks

07:21 Renovations, Development, and Cash Management

09:03 Starting a Business and Property Investment

11:08 Investing in Commercial Property

16:29 Gaining Confidence in Property Investment

19:17 Transitioning from Granny Flats to Unit Blocks

20:51 Discovering the Potential of Unit Blocks

21:25 Control and Flexibility in Renovations

23:58 Selecting Locations for Units Investment

28:23 Considerations when buying a unit block

32:17 Negotiating discounts through conveyancers

34:14 Negotiating a Quote

36:17 Pros of Buying Unrenovated Properties

39:39 Renovating the Property

45:30 Insurance Costs and Discounts

47:27 Positive Cash Flow with Zero Vacancy Rates

48:47 Walk Away Yield and Comparables

50:46 Renting to a Government Agency

52:56 Considerations for Property Makeup

53:49 Cons of Renting Out Government Housing

55:28 Timing Considerations in Portfolio Strategy

56:03 Managing Maintenance and Property Numbers

59:29 Considerations for Property Maintenance

01:03:32 Importance of Building Relationships and Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

01:05:34 Advice for Securing Off-Market Deals

01:08:11 The Importance of Appraisals and Phone Calls in Real Estate Sales

01:08:48 Different Types of Real Estate Agents

01:09:04 Building Rapport with Real Estate Agents

01:09:22 Importance of Being Reliable as an Agent

01:09:54 Avoiding Wishy-Washy Buyers

01:10:42 Avoiding Time-Wasting Calls

01:11:02 Effective Questions for Serious Buyers

01:13:22 Buying Property and Low Density Units

01:16:05 Staggered Leases and Rental Value

01:18:14 Negotiation Skills and Head Lease Duration

01:20:18 Development potential and density zoning

01:22:48 Long-term investment strategy

01:25:10 Portfolio Performance

01:27:43 Personalized Portfolio Strategy

01:28:24 Consideration of Interest Rate Changes

01:29:58 Challenges in Property Purchasing Journey

01:30:19 Q&A Session

Episode Resources

Other Guests On Our Lives

Chris Gray, Amanda Farmer, Steve Palise, Nathan Birch, Todd Sloan, Cate Bakos, Mike Mortlock, Lloyd Edge, Karen Baldwin, Rob Flux, Kent Lardner, Charley Valher, Bernadette Janson, Pete Wargent, Melinda Jennison, Bushy Martin, Michelle Lewis, Peter Koulizos, Jane Slack-Smith, Joe Tucker, Jordan De Jong, Scott Aggett, Belinda Smith, Jef Miles and more.

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