The Property Professor Schools Aus Property | Peter Koulizos

Show Notes


This is a big one.


I am always excited to get on a new guest but this guest is none other than Peter Koulizos, the man the myth the legend!

If you don’t know who Peter is, well you must be a very new property investor and we are honoured to make the introduction.

Peter is going to share his insights over many decades in the industry, he literally teaches the Masters Of Property at The University of Adelaide.

I am excited to get a deep dive run down on some of the work he has done on Gentrification and how as investors we can use that to our benefit. Plus so many more valuable property insights.

Episode Highlights

  • 10:39 What are some of the Macro Drivers of the Adelaide Property Market and what should we understand?

  • 34:20 What are the indicators that an area is in the early stages of gentrification?

  • 54:33 What are your thoughts on this? “A New Flock and Supply Properties to the Market Will Fundamentally Stop the Property Market in Its Tracks”

Episode Resources

Peter Koulizos on the property professor schools of Aus property

Other Guests On Our Lives

Chris Gray, Amanda Farmer, Steve Palise, Nathan Birch, Todd Sloan, Cate Bakos, Mike Mortlock, Lloyd Edge, Karen Baldwin, Rob Flux, Kent Lardner, Charley Valher, Bernadette Janson, Pete Wargent, Melinda Jennison, Bushy Martin, Michelle Lewis, Peter Koulizos, Jane Slack-Smith, Joe Tucker, Jordan De Jong, Scott Aggett, Belinda Smith, Jef Miles and more.

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