The data you need to consider when buying your next property – Luke Metcalfe

Show Notes

The property market is full of opportunities…….. but only for those who have access to the right information.

There are two types of investors out there – those that use property data and those that don’t.

Guess which ones have the 1% advantage over the long term?

Good guess!

Just a 1% advantage compounds to hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of dollars more in property growth!

Join us live this Wednesday at 7:30pm NSW time as top property expert, Luke Metcalfe, the CEO of Microburbs, shares his knowledge and insights on how to become a data-driven investor.

Learn how property data gives savvy investors a significant advantage, the vital role it plays in maximizing investment success!

Topics we’ll be talking about include:

  • Which data points he considers important for investing & importantly why! This one is bound to be juicy and actionable.
  • How he thinks about property forecasting.


Episode Highlights

14:09 Introduction of Luke

15:01 Luke’s first property

16:35 How do you Unpack Property Data?

19:30 For Microburbs Data – How do you get the Capital Growth and What are all the aspects of liveability?

22:37 How to use data as a Property Investor?

27:19 What are the key things that you have proven that impact property prices?

29:07 What is livability means and how I can utilize it as a Property Investor?

36:39 What are your thoughts on how vital data is versus actually getting to a location and checking things out?

38:24 What are some of the things that we should be thinking about for Capital Growth with a Limited Budget?

40:01 What are some of the important things first-time investors should be careful with?

44:59 How Important are supply and demand to capital growth?

49:51 How can we use AI tools for our own investing?

56:43 How often should you reevaluate your investment thesis?

1:01:32 What is an unexpected data point you found that you didn’t expect?

1:06:58 How to use data to identify gentrification in the suburbs?

1:09:05 How to know a suburb will be go from a 6 in hip score to 9?

1:11:35 Do you bring in the slightly out there “Phil Anderson” 18.5 year property cycle?

1:15:37 How do we identify where a particular suburb is in the market cycle?

1:20:52 Assume it can also assist in guiding the right time to sell when growth is slowing down and you are in consolidation – or take profit to move to next investments?

1:23:23 How can people learn more from you?

Episode Resources

Other Guests On Our Lives

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