How To Make More Money On A JV Than Your Day Job: Investors Story – Jef Miles

Show Notes

I love to hear stories of people who bust myths.

Especially property/money myths.

One of my favourites is “You have to have money to make money”


It certainly helps, but we’re all not born was that delicious silver spoon.

Jef Miles will be busting that myth tomorrow night when he breaks down a development of his where he put “No Money Down”.

Jef was a joint venture partner and added a crucial piece to the development for which he was rewarded handsomely.

Join us live tonight at 7:30pm as we go through the development step by step. 

Topics we’ll be talking about include:

  • The Process involved in getting involved in Joint Ventures that may help to continue your property journey – We’ll unpack the steps and processess you need to know. This one is bound to be juicy, insightful and actionable!
  • An in-depth insight into an actual deal – Think Western Suburbs of Adelaide (will be helpful for investors at all levels).
  • The Numbers behind a real case study (I will aim to dig up the feasol)

Episode Highlights

0:09:06 Introduction of Jef Miles

0:10:14 How did you get into Property Investing?

0:18:01 Why did you go into the second purchase for a joint venture?

0:26:14 What type of deals suitable and not suitable for joint Ventures?

0:34:39 Diagram of Joint Ventures

0:39:44 What is the legal security you put in place when doing joint-venture deals?

0:45:15 How do we find the Joint Venture Partner who can work?

0:53:49 What are some of the questions to consider or ask someone who’s presenting the JV deal?

1:04:30 Jef’s Devlopment Overview at Western Suburbs(ADL)

1:21:25 What are some of the important components of a Joint Venture?

1:27:31 What are some of the challenges that you had in this deal?

1:36:49 How much capital was actually needed for this job?

1:57:22 Does it actually make sense for a buy renovate and hold strategy?

Episode Resources

Connect with Aus Property Investors, Joe Tucker and Jef Miles: Join Aus Property Facebook Group:…

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Other Guests On Our Lives

Chris Gray, Amanda Farmer, Steve Palise, Nathan Birch, Todd Sloan, Cate Bakos, Mike Mortlock, Lloyd Edge, Karen Baldwin, Rob Flux, Kent Lardner, Charley Valher, Bernadette Janson, Pete Wargent, Melinda Jennison, Bushy Martin, Michelle Lewis, Peter Koulizos, Jane Slack-Smith, Joe Tucker, Jordan De Jong, Scott Aggett, Belinda Smith, Jef Miles and more.

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