How this investor is the “Double Agent” of Property – Jason Wright

Show Notes

It’s not often we get a movie star on, but Jason Wright is pretty much the James Bond of Real estate……..

He is what we call a “Double Agent”.

Having been a Sales Agent, a Property Investor, Property Developer and now a Property Manager, he is one to watch out for.

Imagine having the inside word on sales negotiation, the top tips on understanding the Adelaide Development code, the best ways to optimise your rental property or how to make the perfect martini.

You will learn all these things and more with the amazing gentleman that is Jason Wright.

What questions do you have for this Adelaide expert?

Topics we’ll be talking about include:

  • The lessons and insights he has learnt from being an agent [selling and PM] for 10+ years. This one is bound to be juicy, insightful and actionable!
  • Giving you the key considerations when looking for development deals [a passion and interest of his].
  • How to secure the deal in a tough and tight market.
  • Identifying his investor insights from his own portfolio [bound to be insightful]


Episode Highlights

21:20 What are some of the things that people underestimate about Real Estate industry?

29:49 How did you get into Property?

34:32 What are some investing principles you learend from your Mom?

36:34 What si your investment strgatey?

47:33 Partnership Devlopement

56:06 What should you know about devloping in Adelaide?

1:05:44 What is the standard size blocks in Adelaide that is pretty common for say 1 into 2 or 1 into 3?

1:13:59 What are some of the tips for Property Investors from an agent’s Perspective?

1:24:38 Some great tips for Property management

1:28:28 What you should look when you are purchasing a property?

1:40:24 Thought on what might happen with a possible correction versus “crash”

1:47:14 Do you see a difference in rental of units vs houses?

Episode Resources

Connect with Jason Wright:

Joe Tucker of Property Principles –

Other Guests On Our Lives

Chris Gray, Amanda Farmer, Steve Palise, Nathan Birch, Todd Sloan, Cate Bakos, Mike Mortlock, Lloyd Edge, Karen Baldwin, Rob Flux, Kent Lardner, Charley Valher, Bernadette Janson, Pete Wargent, Melinda Jennison, Bushy Martin, Michelle Lewis, Peter Koulizos, Jane Slack-Smith, Joe Tucker, Jordan De Jong, Scott Aggett, Belinda Smith, Jef Miles and more.

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