Data Deep Dive Episode 2 – Deception Bay Data Deep Dive – Jef & Joe Aus Prop – Aus Day Special | Jef & Joe

Show Notes

This week our live session is going to be an absolute blast with a cracking poster from Chris and something a bit different with a duo who have gone on an epic journey gaining an amazing amount of hands-on experience understanding and unpacking an investment decision. We’re pumped about presenting this Australia day yarn to you.

There will be some amazing insights from running the group along with our own investing experience + talking about an area of property that everyone wants to know how to conquer [the area analysis].

We’re pumped and will be preparing the gold for this session.  We’re bringing a bucketload of insights from our experience along with an insatiable excitement and excellent energy for treating property as a vehicle to achieve a great result. It’ll be a fun, banter and value filled session.

Joe and I are excited to have this extra special Australia Day session. As best as we can we ignore the boom or bust headlines and simply focus on what gives people the ability to succeed through profitable property investing.

Episode Highlights

  • 24:19 What is so great about Moreton Bay?

  • 1:23:38 How much you know about the ripple effect of Deception Bay?

  • 1:31:38 Would you buy if the house bordered in the flood zone that has never flooded?

Episode Resources

Other Guests On Our Lives

Chris Gray, Amanda Farmer, Steve Palise, Nathan Birch, Todd Sloan, Cate Bakos, Mike Mortlock, Lloyd Edge, Karen Baldwin, Rob Flux, Kent Lardner, Charley Valher, Bernadette Janson, Pete Wargent, Melinda Jennison, Bushy Martin, Michelle Lewis, Peter Koulizos, Jane Slack-Smith, Joe Tucker, Jordan De Jong, Scott Aggett, Belinda Smith, Jef Miles and more.

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